The Full Story Membership is a unique approach to doing Enneagram work that honors the gifts of your core type, while inviting you to expand into a more complete and whole version of yourself that isn't bogged down with your type's shit stories*!

*false narratives we believe to be true of ourselves and the world based on our Ennea-types

We all have these stories, and they are the exact thing that keeps us spinning our wheels and feeling like crap.  

But I'm here to offer you hope that it can be different!

 Do you:

-feel tired and stuck and want more out of your life, but don't know what steps to take to get there?

-wonder if anything can really change? (it totally can!)

-know the Enneagram can help you grow, but want clear steps, encouragement and practices to support you?

-feel fed up with being bossed around by your type and its shit stories?

-want to finally feel like you know who you are and what you want out of life?

What are the steps? 

  1. Identify and get to know your Enneagram type

  2. Notice and label the unhelpful stories of your type when they arise and practice techniques to mindfully shift from operating out of those limiting beliefs

  3. Activate your Full Story and change your life by accessing the wisdom of the other 8 types

Yes!  I want all of that!


But how does the FSM approach actually work?

We start with looking at our Enneagram types.  Knowing your type isn't just something fun to talk about at a party, it's actually the golden ticket to self-awareness, understanding, and fulfillment!

But your Enneagram Type is just one piece of the story.

We identify our type so we can begin to STOP identifying with it so much. 

(because this only makes us more stuck in that one story and all its shitty half-truths about who we are…we are so much more!)

Then we will go exploring outside our types, because we are not satisfied with only living life through the perspective of our core types. 

Here, we will look towards the other 8 types to guide us!  This is what a community is for, you guys!  We have so much to learn from each other.  By learning about the gifts others have, that are inside of us too, we get new tools & approaches for living our lives.  

Have you ever wished you had the boldness of a Type 8?  The star power of the 3s you know?  The intellect of your Type 5 sister?  

Let's learn how to retrieve those parts of you. They are in there! 

Inside Full Story, I'll help you re-discover these lost pieces of yourself so you can use them to take action and live your life as the most full and free version of who you were created to be!

Imagine feeling:

  • like you can access new parts of yourself that connect you to your ability to speak up, show up, rest up, and take up the space you deserve in your one wild and precious life!

  • like you know who you are and what you want

  • empowered to see your shit stories coming up from a mile away, and be able to shift into truth mode with Jedi quickness

  • fearless, confident, bold, empowered, worthy, safe and free because you're no longer held hostage by the stories of your type!

 Hi, I'm Dani!  

I'm a mom, a certified Enneagram life coach and a regular human just like you.  I'm working on my own crappy stories of perfectionism and people-pleasing and expanding beyond my Enneagram One-ness.  I've been dreaming of creating a community like this for a really long time, and am thrilled for it to become a reality! I'm so excited you're here :)



  • you LOVE the Enneagram and talking about it with other Ennea-lovers

  • you know or are pretty sure you know your Enneagram type.  If not, grab a typing session with me, or take this free test

  • you are not satisfied with staying trapped in your type-related patterns of: people-pleasing, perfectionism, fear, overachieving and burnout, procrastination, control, over-committing, avoiding, or playing the victim.

  • you have always wanted to get Enneagram coaching, but felt uncertain about making that investment in yourself

  • you have had some Enneagram coaching, but want more support and an encouraging community to help you put what you've learned into practice


Other Enneagram programs

  • Teach you your strengths, but not how to be aware of over-using them

  • Teach you your weaknesses, but not what to do when you see them pop up

  • Show you how you might struggle, but not how to navigate through those times and get back to feeling peaceful again

  • Encourage you to focus only on your own type instead of learning about the other 8 and all the things we can learn from them

  • Can encourage us to revel in our types, instead of helping us learn how to gently loosen and expand beyond them into the full version of who we are

This stuff works!

Dani’s unique approach to the Enneagram has really helped me shift my perspective and open my eyes to new possibilities. Instead of being stuck in my type 4 “I’m always going to be this way” rut, I’ve been able to explore a more holistic view of my type and have learned how to lean into the gifts available to me in other types. Dani has really helped me move from knowing the Enneagram to using that knowledge to change how I show up in the world.
10/10: recommend!
— Alison


What's Included?

Monthly Full Story Workshop with topics like:  

  • Origin Stories:  why they matter, what to do about them

  • Befriending our messy parts

  • What are you resisting?

  • Perfectionism and other myths

Supportive and Fun Community in our Full Story Facebook Group

  • Community is everything!  We can learn so much from each other!

Monthly Live Coaching and Q&A sessions

  • Share your struggles and wins, ask questions of me or the group, and connect with others who are on a growth journey like you

Guest Speakers

  • Trusted experts and friends, maybe even YOU!

Discounted rates for 1:1 coaching services and Marco Polo support 

Members receive 30% off my services!

Members only access to Marco Polo package

Exclusive resources, including an ever growing library of YouTube videos

Founding Members Price: $47/month

First 10 members get a free one on one call!

 So… Are You In?


When do we begin?

We start on 3/21/23 the first full day of Spring, a perfect time to focus on growth

What if I'm not sure about my type?

I can help! Book a typing session with me or DM me for a free Enneagram Test link

What will the time commitment be?

You decide! I will offer at least 2 hours of video content for you to access when it works best for you.

What if I still need one on one support?

I'm here for you. Schedule a 1:1 call anytime, at a reduced member-only rate. As a FS member you get priority!

Do you offer refunds?

Refunds are not available, but you can cancel anytime!

What if I'm not in North America?

Please join anyway! The workshops will be recorded to enable participation on your own schedule, and I'll vary meeting times to accommodate different time zones.